Good Morning!
It is fitting that the next portion of the Westminster Directory of Public Worship we are going to be looking at is a section on the pastoral prayer which covers supplications for politicians. We may not like them, but God does tell us to pray for our enemies. Though in all seriousness central to the keeping of the Fifth Commandment is recognizing that there are going to be hierarchies in life. Those who are Fathers and Mothers. Passages like Isaiah 49:23 witness that this authority is clearly derivative of what they have received from the Lord. Kings and princes are not in any way above God, and must obey Him. It is interesting that whenever the Bible presents those who are going to be in charge, whether in the church or in the state, that they are always represented as servants. We who must live in a nation governed by a civil realm need to have a right peace and comfort in knowing how it is that we are to ourselves be felicitous in grace towards these men whom providence has smiled on in granting these positions of power over us. Knowing how to pray for them is an important part of being a good citizen, and a good Christian.
Here's today’s (long) section:
To pray for all in authority, especially for the King’s Majesty; that God would make him rich in blessings, both in his person and government; establish his throne in religion and righteousness, save him from evil counsel, and make him a blessed and glorious instrument for the conservation and propagation of the gospel, for the encouragement and protection of them that do well, the terror of all that do evil, and the great good of the whole church, and of all his kingdoms; for the conversion of the Queen, the religious education of the Prince, and the rest of the royal seed; for the comforting of the afflicted Queen of Bohemia, sister to our Sovereign; and for the restitution and establishment of the illustrious Prince Charles, Elector Palatine of the Rhine, to all his dominions and dignities; for a blessing upon the High Court of Parliament, (when sitting in any of these kingdoms respectively,) the nobility, the subordinate judges and magistrates, the gentry, and all the commonality; for all pastors and teachers, that God would fill them with his Spirit, make them exemplarily holy, sober, just, peaceable, and gracious in their lives; sound, faithful, and powerful in their ministry; and follow all their labours with abundance of success and blessing; and give unto all his people pastors according to his own heart; for the universities, and all schools and religious seminaries of church and commonwealth, that they may flourish more and more in learning and piety; for the particular city or congregation, that God would pour out a blessing upon the ministry of the word, sacraments, and discipline, upon the civil government, and all the several families and persons therein; for mercy to the afflicted under any inward or outward distress; for seasonable weather, and fruitful seasons, as the time may require; for averting the judgments that we either feel or fear, or are liable unto as famine, pestilence, the sword, and such like.
We’ve noted before that this was written in the 1640s so the particular people being prayed for are going to sound strange to our ears, however, it is not hard to slot in Joe Biden for the King’s Majesty and Hunter Biden for the Prince. We don’t literally mean Hunter is a prince, since we are in a constitutional republic. Yet, it is important to perceive the principle here. No one in high office exists in that office alone. Regardless of how sociopathic we may think a politician is he still (ordinarily) has a family. If we would wish him to rule well than it is most assuredly helpful to him if his wife and children are cared for, protected, and they themselves come to know the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I mention that because in the above there is an explicit word that asks us to be praying that the Queen in this case comes to faith. If we want to live in a Christian nation (however you define that) then it would be helpful if the magistrate was himself a believer, he and his household. In the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church’s Westminster Confession of Faith Ch. 23 we as a church confess that we are to have a Christian Magistrate ruling according to Christian Principles. Even more than that our WCF 23 also says, “Hence, magistrates, as such, in a Christian country, are bound to promote the Christian religion, as the most valuable interest of their subjects.” We read in the encouragements of the DPW a similar ethos. Our heart should be moved to see our leaders do well, and they can’t do any better than resting and trusting in Jesus.
Not to be overlooked in this portion of the DPW we also see an encouragement towards pray for the leaders of the other kingdom, the kingdom of grace, or as we better refer to it, the church. In lifting up our ministers, elders, and deacons we are seeking that those in authority over us in the congregation of the holy are likewise being watched over by the Holy Spirit, guided towards doing their labors well, and they themselves also seeking Christ in every area of their life. It seems a bit strange to pray that the minister “. . . that God would fill them with his Spirit, make them exemplarily holy, sober, just, peaceable, and gracious in their lives; sound, faithful, and powerful in their ministry; and follow all their labours with abundance of success and blessing.” But as someone who would be in the path of such entreaties, I welcome them with might thanks!
In closing, the paragraph also asks us to be in prayer for our universities, schools, teachers, bus drivers (not that they had those in the seventeenth century, but they need pray as well), and administrators, support staff, and all those involved in education. It seems to also go without saying that if we want wise and precocious rulers it might be good to ensure that as they are doing their book learnin’ they do that well, and with the right mindset. It is vital that as we raise up our children and fill them with knowledge, that we do so with the Lord’s truth guiding them through that. There is no part of an education that can be done outside God’s world and His way.
Last word:
Blessings in Christ,
Rev. Benjamin Glaser
Pastor, Bethany ARP Church