Showing Grace in the Death of Others
How Christians Should Respond When People We Don't Like Pass Away
Good Morning,
The recent death of former President Jimmy Carter gave rise to many disparate reactions, some full of undeserved praise, others seemed, as the kids would say, harsh, in their immediate desire to condemn and clarify the harm Mr. Carter did to America. While we would all agree that when you run for public office you kind of have to take on all the junk that comes with it, there is also some truth to the idea that you don’t lose your humanity in the midst thereof either. Jimmy had kids, friends, family, etc... that are going to miss him, and are hurt by his loss. Whether or not you agreed with his politics is beside the point. We are called to treat people with dignity and respect in keeping with the Fifth Commandment. In today’s prayer and worship help we are going to think through how Christians should react to the passing of those we either politically or personally had much trouble with in life. There is a certain fleshly response that believers should wisely refrain from engaging in or with. How best to handle that temptation requires wisdom and grace, and not a little humility.
When Osama Bin Laden was killed back in 2011 I was the recently installed pastor of Ellisville Presbyterian Church in Ellisville, Mississippi. One of the things I got into doing there was hanging out at the local pharmacy in town which was within walking distance of my study. As is the norm in most small towns that was the place to go to learn all the local gossip, meet important people, and drink some good coffee. The day after Bin Laden’s capture and demise we were sitting there and most of the men were hooping and hollering as you would expect, talking about the awesomeness of Seal Team 6 and how happy they were that Osama got what was coming too him. As I was kind of new and observing all this there was an older fella who came somewhat regularly to these gatherings, and I noticed he was a little quiet. Being a curious guy, I scooted my chair a little closer to him and asked why he looked so glum. I didn’t know the extent of it at the time, but the gentleman was a survivor of the Bataan Death March. He responded to my inquiry with a simple, “Killing ain’t ever good.”.
It’s something that stuck with me.
As I went back to the church and started reflecting on what he meant by it I knew that he wasn’t saying Bin Laden hadn’t got what was coming to him, those who live by the sword have a habit of dying by it. (Matt. 25:62). There was a justness in what we had secured as a nation. The men engaged had nothing to apologize for, and they had done right. Yet, there is a soberness to it as well. The Bible tells us in three verses (among other places) what God thinks of it:
“Do I have any pleasure at all that the wicked should die?” says the Lord God, “and not that he should turn from his ways and live?” – Ezekiel 18:23
“The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” – 2 Peter 3:9
“Say to them: ‘As I live,’ says the Lord God, ‘I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways! For why should you die, O house of Israel?’” – Ezekiel 33:11
In each of these passages there is a clear warning given to all men that the death of any who are outside of a right relationship with Christ is lamentable. We are not to think of course that God is powerless here and is wailing in sadness like a weak man unable to change the outcome. What we are to take from this for the question before us this morning is if the Lord’s prophet records Jehovah as making it clear that His pleasure is not served in the death of evil men, then by what standard then do we rejoice when those who have failed get right at the end meet their maker? Is it not a fearful thing to fall under the judgment of God? Is not a large part of the loving call to the church to preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified so that men might be saved from the wrath to come? If that is the case, and it is, then we must needs be careful that we not smile when God does not. Our hearts rather should mourn, and give thanks, for there but for His grace goes any of us.
We see this same attitude in our Savior near the day of His own death, as He weeps for Jerusalem in that they were not heeding His call. (Matt. 23:37-39). The apostle Paul wishes himself to be accursed rather than see his brethren in the flesh go to perdition. (Romans 9:3). It’s not weak or unmanly to be nice, nor is it unbiblical to understand what the eternal question is here. When a person, or persons, die and have not Christ they go to Hell, forever and ever. There are no second chances in the life to come. I don’t know Jimmy’s elect status, and neither do you. We can play fruit detector all we want, but I hope we all hope in charity his confession of faith was genuine, because the consequences otherwise are not something we should wish on any man. As Peter notes about it above it is the Lord’s desire that all men should come to repentance, and that should be our goal as well as we love each other and show honor, even in stark disagreement and presenting an honest portrayal of life, as we always should. As a preacher once told me about funerals for folks you don’t know, you shouldn’t put a man in Heaven if he doesn’t deserve to be there, but you don’t put him in Hell either.
You speak of Jesus and the hope found alone in Him.
In closing, we hear Solomon speak to the subject with clarity and assurance. In Proverbs 24:17 he writes, “Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles.”. Part of the wisdom here is tied into another Proverb, “Pride goeth before the fall.”. In mercy God has called you to be His, and by mercy you will enter into the heavenly places. If what the Lord calls for all men, to be humble and have a contrite heart, is to be true of you, then you’d be wise to witness that grace-filled soul, even when men who don’t deserve it pass on.
Last word:
Blessings in Christ,
Rev. Benjamin Glaser
Pastor, Bethany ARP Church