Good Morning,
The first United States presidential election that I can remember was Reagan/Mondale in 1984. As part of that campaign there was a commercial that the incumbent ran that has gone down in history as the Morning in America ad. A measured, optimistic speech unfolds from the rhetorical elegance that only the first actor president could bring to his office. We recently inaugurated a new chief executive in our nation. Whatever your thoughts on that, it does provide an opportunity for us as Americans, and as Christians, to think about the future and what it portends under the reign of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
One of the hardest things about living in this present evil world is dealing with the temptation native to the flesh to doubt the promises of God. What usually keeps us from resting in His word is something the Bible refers to as remembering Lot’s Wife, or Luke 9 pictures as taking the plow and looking back. We’ve spent time the last couple of weeks reading in Jeremiah 10. There is a focus in those passages on the power of the LORD in His creation of the heavens and the earth and it is make clear that He alone has that authority, and is to date the only being to bring something out of nothing. As I noted Sunday the more we comprehend that the simpler, and even easier it gets to obey and trust in Him. We fear not evil, for it is not of the good.
This changes how we approach everything in life. Because as part of God’s control over all things He creates not only the dirt, the sky, and the sea, but also the new life you received in Jesus Christ. When our Lord asks the Pharisees what is easier, to heal a man or forgive his sins it is a testimony to why we again are to not be in fear of those who are not in the Lord’s army. If God is for us, who can be against us? Why do we then mope in the face of trial when not only has Jehovah brought all things on us as his servant Job experienced but witnessed to his triumph as we went through that unspeakable trial? It is something we have to be cognizant of throughout this life that we have. Sometimes the Christian needs to be gently reminded of what exactly they have received in the redemptive work of their Savior.
To be brought out of the dominion of Satan and granted access to the very feast table of the Almighty is a change in status we will spend eternity comprehending, but that does not mean we do not receive a portion of that honor and privilege in these days. Ephesians 2 is big on testifying to the believer that God, “ . . . raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.”. When we consider this blessing is it speaks even more loudly to the positive, forward-facing attitude the Church should have in putting into action the means of grace provided for us by our King. Worrying about what the world thinks about what we do as Christians is about as retrograde thinking as can possibly exist.
Some will say thinking like this is pie-in-the-sky and/or buffoonish. We are not meant to be triumphant, but humble and willing to be a minority as we await the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, and there is some truth to that. However, that is not the whole story. When our Redeemer is witnessing to Peter in the midst of the fog and he walks on water the reason why the rock falls is because he sees himself as a rock, which cannot float. Fleshly beings who belong to the evil one shall collapse and sink under the weight of their sin. Those who belong unto Jesus are reminded in that story that as long as they keep their eyes upon their Savior they stand fast even against the “physics” present. That foolishness of walking on water witnesses the strength that the people of God have when they belong unto Him.
It is largely part of the reason why the Church is so weak right now. It either is satisfied with mere human experience or has decided that if it remains silent in the face of wickedness that she will be left alone. Instead of these pietistic conceptions of the Christian life it would be wise of us to be prophetic and take up the mantle of Micaiah and speak boldly unto the Ahabs around us, for the Jehoshaphat’s need as much support as we can give them. If God’s sheep are bleating the Shepherd shall hear our cries because the Master will hear our voice.
To go back for a second to the Ephesians 2 passage it is important for us to remember as well that this positive outlook it possible not because of anything in us or about us. It is for the simple reason that our salvation belongs unto the Lord and that His glory will be shown in it. God wants to illustrate His desire to show the exceeding the riches of His grace. The men whom the Lord has given power to preach His gospel cannot limit it. We must proclaim with the boldness of the power of the Almighty that God truly wants all men to come unto Him and be at rest in the forgiveness of sins and the reordering of every thing in accordance with His plan and purpose.
In closing, let this Tuesday prayer and worship help be an encouragement to you to spend your 2025 becoming more acquainted with the word of God, His promises, and all the wonder and joy which comes from experiencing the true hope we have in Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. There is no reason for us to be afraid of the prince of the power of the air. His dominion has been destroyed by the victory at the cross. Join up with the Master of Grace and Love as He brings every nation under heaven into His territory of peace.
Last word:
Blessings in Christ,
Rev. Benjamin Glaser
Pastor, Bethany ARP Church